What is ATS?

ATS is an abbreviation for application tracking system. It is a computer software tool that saves companies and employers time and money. The essence of this tool is automating the tracking, selection and assessments of job applicants and candidates. The ATS is a scanning software employers and recruiters use during hiring. It allows them to easily collect, scan and rank the applications for their open job positions.

Applicant tracking systems were initially created for bigger companies that received hundreds of applications per week. Today, medium-sized and smaller businesses rely on ATS software to help streamline the recruitment and hiring process and receive plenty of benefits from this tool, such as saving time and increasing productivity.

Using an ATS tool is incredibly productive for companies as it narrows down the number of applications and allows companies to save resources. Also, one of the biggest benefits of this tool is that an ATS-applicant tracking system is non-discriminatory, which means that it doesn’t focus on age, gender or race.

Why Do You Need ATS Friendly Resume?

One of the biggest reasons you need an ATS resume is that up to 75% of resumes don’t reach the hiring managers. To create an ATS-friendly resume, it is essential to understand how the system works. The ATS tool will scan your resume for specific keywords that need to match the job description. If your resume contains these keywords, it will receive a bigger score with an increased chance of being seen by the hiring managers.

The ATS systems are created to track and store information accurately, and by using an ATS-friendly CV, you can ensure that the relevant information is added and recorded. An ATS resume will increase your visibility and efficiency and make it easier for you to apply for jobs online. It’s worth optimising your resume to have a bigger chance of being noticed by employers.

How to Create an ATS-Friendly Resume?

Creating an ATS resume template is not difficult, although it may look challenging. We’ve broken down the entire process into simple steps to help you create the best resume. An ATS resume is a document optimised for the software, and it is formatted in a way that will make it easier for the tool to select the important information like your work experience, job title, name and skills.

Put the Job Description in The Headline

The applicant tracking system will scan your resume for specific keywords related to the job description. This is why it is essential to include a resume headline with specific keywords matching the job description. The purpose of the headline is to gather the attention of the hiring manager and increase your value as a job candidate. The headline should be attention-grabbing and brief while matching the job description and remaining relevant to the job you are applying to.

Add Relevant Skills

When creating your ATS resume, focus on the most relevant work experience and relevant skills in regard to the job position. This means you will have to tailor your resume to the job you are applying for rather than listing all of your work experience. It is essential to highlight the experience most relevant to the job description and include specific examples of how you managed to showcase your skills in the past.

Use Keywords Properly

One of the best ways to ensure your resume will be ATS compatible during your job search is to optimise it with the proper keywords representing your soft skills and experience. You also need to show the expertise you have acquired over the years, which will help you create an ATS-optimised resume.

If you are uncertain which keywords to use, you can start by collecting the relevant keywords that will represent the type of position that you are applying to. If you have some keywords that match the keywords from the job titles and job descriptions, incorporate them into your resume and ensure you add your desired experience and personal goals. When it comes to an ATS-friendly resume template, think about the frequency and the placement of these words all over your resume. Some systems can determine the strength of your job-related skills based on the number of times the words will appear in your resume.

Choose ATS Friendly Format

If you want your resume to stand out during an ATS scan, it is best to follow a standardised resume format that is easily scannable, like a reverse chronological or hybrid resume. These ATS resume formats already contain professional summary sections that outline the relevant qualifications and skills and a clear presentation of your work history that explains how you leveraged these qualities to bring great results for organisations.

Most applicant tracking systems can scan and interpret these formats as they already rely on the chronological data in your professional resume. As a result, it is a good idea to avoid functional formats with images, graphs and infographics that ATS tools won’t be able to go through, which is one of the top tips for ATS resume formatting tips.

Make Sure is Ready for ATS Scans

Having an ATS-friendly resume means your CV should be simple, easily readable and scannable. If your resume is one long story with plenty of information spread across multiple pages, the chances of the tool picking up these CVs are lower. To ensure that all key details can be found by the hiring manager and the ATS tool, separate the information into sections that will give your resume structure and make it easier for the ATS resume scanner to get the information they need.

Olive Recruit Can Support You in Creating ATS-Friendly CV

Writing an ATS-friendly resume is essential, especially in today’s fast-driven job market. Choosing the right format and including relevant keywords are only some of the tips that can help your resume stand out. Our team at Olive Recruit can provide guidance and assistance in creating an ATS-friendly resume and help you determine the relevant skills, experience, and work history that need to be added to your ATS resume.

Also, if you need additional help finding the best talent for your organisation, you can contact us today through phone, email or in our office in Bristol.