Suzana Stamenkovska

I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Financial Management and got a certificate in Human Resources Management. Now being a Team Leader of the permanent recruitment team, I share my previous experiences as a recruiter with the team and help prospective candidates find the job that they are looking for, as well as help the clients with any inquiries that they might have to find the best candidates for their open roles. Outside of work, I love to travel and immerse myself in different cultures. Also, when the weather is nice, I like to go hiking, I love the nature.

What website do you visit the most?

When I want to relax and not think about anything, I usually watch short YouTube or Instagram videos of dogs and puppies. I’m a big dog lover, and just seeing these videos brightens my day and makes me happy. I’ve once read studies that say watching videos with cute animals is perceived by the brain as a reward and is a huge dopamine booster that leads to better short-term cognitive function and activates the brain’s emotional areas. 

What was the last movie you saw?

The last movie I saw was the satirical thriller The Menu. It was one of the best theatrical experiences I’ve seen in a long time! As I hadn’t previously watched the trailer, I didn’t know what to expect, but it was such a fun experience, and I recommend it to everyone! 

Describe your job in three words

Describing this job in only three words is impossible! I want to use at least five, hoping that they will describe the work that we do every day, such as: 

  1. Dynamic,  
  2. Challenging, 
  3. Collaborative, 
  4. Engaging and  
  5. Rewarding.  

What are the essentials skills for someone working in the recruitment to have? 

Every good recruiter must have excellent communication skills and be a good listener. Of course, being confident in what you do, remaining curious and showing patience and empathy are vital characteristics to possess if you want to be successful in this job.  

Having a bit of marketing and sales skills and being able to see the bigger picture when it comes to the hiring strategy will help you think beyond the given task and excel at what you do.

What does your day-to-day role entail? 

My daily obligations require a high level of organisation, planning, management, communication and cooperation with the team and other departments. I am responsible for organising and dedicating daily tasks to my team, setting priorities, managing the workflow and coordinating with each team to reach our goals more effectively.  

The vision and mission of our company are to enable caring professionals to find companies that will value them and enable healthcare providers to attract great talent. That is what we are working towards daily.  

What’s the coolest thing you’re working on right now?

Right now, significant changes are happening for us, and it’s lovely to participate in creating and changing the processes, seeing what works and what doesn’t, and testing different methods and tools. We are setting up the company’s foundations and creating a system that works in the years to come. I believe that’s pretty cool.

What is the best thing about being part of the Olive Recruit Team?

Being a part of Olive Recruit and Catalyst Care Group has been a tremendous experience. This company is the perfect place to share your ideas and suggestions while ensuring that you are heard, valued, and accepted. Our team is like a family; we support each other through our ups and downs. We tackle challenges together and learn from each other daily while striving to become the best version of ourselves. Teamwork makes the dream work.  

What’s the most inspiring part of your job? 

I like to think of my job as an opportunity to connect with people from different cultural backgrounds and experiences and learn how to use their unique characteristics and help them make good career decisions. What inspires me the most is being able to see how we’ve helped someone make a change in their life, advance in their career or start a new journey. When we’ve achieved that, then we have completed our mission. 

What challenges have you faced?

As with every beginning, especially when building a company from the ground up, it has its own challenges, but we believed that things would turn around, and they did, thanks to the hard work and dedication everyone had put in.  

Today, I couldn’t be happier that the team is growing, and we are making good progress. It’s always exciting to lead a team of recruiters and work in a dynamic environment that is extremely rewarding. The challenges we face make us better and help us on our journey toward professional and personal success.