Emilija Sapalovska

What website do you visit the most?

LinkedIn takes the first place.

What is the last book you read?

The Guest List by Lucy Foley. I like to read thrillers and mysteries.

Describe your job in three words.

Identify, Assess, Connect.

What are the essential skills for someone working in recruitment to have?

In the world of recruitment, it is essential for individuals to possess strong communication skills,

excellent time-management and problem-solving skills, to be detail-oriented, flexible and adaptable,

and data-driven.

What does your day-to-day role entail?

A Recruiter’s day-to-day role encompasses a range of responsibilities, such as:

  • Finding the right candidate, which includes sourcing for candidates and screening resumes;
  • Contacting and connecting with candidates;
  • Conducting interviews to assess candidates;
  • Coordinating and scheduling interviews;
  • Interacting with clients, which entails introducing candidates, asking for feedback, managing expectations and consulting;
  • Sharing constant feedback on progress to both candidates and clients;
  • Many admin tasks include managing documents, updating and managing data in the system, writing notes, and creating reports.

What’s the coolest thing you’re working on right now?

My main focus is soaking up all the knowledge I can during my onboarding adventure. I’m diving deep

into understanding the company, the processes, and how my team operates. I can’t wait for the

moment when I get to roll up my sleeves and jump into the recruitment process, ready to make a

positive impact myself!

What’s the most inspiring part of your job?

Helping companies thrive and transforming people’s lives is significantly rewarding. The act of guiding

someone towards their ideal career journey while assisting clients in securing top talent that can truly

make a difference in their organisation.

What challenges have you faced?

Most of the challenges I face are related to interviews. Coordinating interviews can be challenging

when candidates and clients have limited availability, but persistence is the key to overcoming this

obstacle as we are striving to find the best possible solutions that can help both companies and

candidates to have an enjoyable, simple and efficient experience.

What is the best thing about being part of the Olive Recruit Team?

The people and the energy are truly unique. Everyone is super friendly and helpful, fostering a strong

sense of teamwork where everyone collaborates towards a remarkable goal– to improve the

healthcare sector for the better.