What is Recruitment?

Recruitment is the process of identifying, sourcing, interviewing and hiring employees for a specific job role. In simple terms, recruitment is a connecting activity that links companies with people looking for a job that matches their skills and abilities.

Successful recruitment involves identifying job seekers from which potential employees may be chosen. The hiring process involves choosing the right person for the right position at the right time.

Recruitment also refers to the process of attracting, selecting and appointing potential employees to meet company needs and resource requirements.

What is Recruitment and Selection Process?

Recruitment and selection are essential processes for the success of a business.

When paired together, they set the tone for the type of employees a company looks for and have the potential to engage top talent. Implementing a proper recruitment strategy is essential for businesses to efficiently find suitable candidates and save the company resources and time.

Optimising the hiring process recruitment and selection involves identifying a company’s staffing needs and looking for a suitable candidate to fill a job position. Not only that, but the right candidate must align with the company culture, leading to higher retention rates and rising morale.

Both together comprise a multi-layered process that involves actively seeking potential candidates and attaining their interest in the specific job position. The selection of the candidate refers to determining the right candidate for the role from a pool of applicants.

Recruitment Process Steps

The process of finding the right candidate involves strategic planning and action. Any well-structured process should help the hiring team locate qualified talent for a specific job.

The recruitment process aims to attract potential employees and encourage job seekers to apply, connecting suitable candidates with the company’s long-term goals.

Role Definition

The recruitment process starts with defining and analysing a detailed job description, including the skills, experience and knowledge needed for the specific role.

Attracting Applicants

This will be the first introduction to the role, and it is essential to get it right. The job description should be clear and concise to receive applications from candidates fulfilling all the job requirements.

Identifying and attracting the ideal candidate and motivating them to apply is integral to the hiring process. A job posting is often shared on social media, networking sites, and job boards to promote new openings and cast a wider net.

Application selection process management

A successful recruitment strategy will accumulate a pool of applicants.

Selecting the first group of candidates is the most challenging phase of the process as it requires carefully going through every application, comparing skills and experiences, and wisely choosing a qualified candidate that may join your team. The selection process usually involves the following:

  • Filter applications to find ones with the maximum qualifications
  • Separate resumes with credentials and assess experiences, certifications, and abilities
  • Create a group of applicants that will continue with the process and inform those that will not be continuing with the process


When a decision is made, the recruitment team undergoes a process of screening candidates. This gives the recruitment team further knowledge of the candidates to assess suitability.

Candidates are then shortlisted and attend a series of interviews to assess abilities, skills, and suitability further.

The recruitment team will offer the candidate who they think possesses the best skills and experience a job offer. The new employee will also align with the company’s goals and aims, being an asset to the team.

Why is Recruitment Process Important?

The recruiting process is specifically designed to attract top talent and can identify workforce gaps ahead of time. The recruitment team can follow real-time strategies for better quality hires and ensure employees are retained and remain happy in their position.

However, the recruitment and selection process is important for a variety of reasons:

  • It identifies current and future job requirements
  • It increases the success rate of choosing the right candidate
  • It reduces the possibility of short-term employment
  • It increased organisational effectiveness
  • It helps to create a talent pool of prospective candidates
  • It matches the right talent for the right job
  • It increases the success ratio of the selection process

What Are the Benefits of Recruitment and Selection?

Recruitment and selection is a proactive approach used by human resources departments that identify and screen candidates for specific job openings.

The main benefits of an effective recruitment strategy include a vast pool of applicants, proactive alignment with company goals, employee retention and a positive candidate experience.

The immense growth of the talent market has changed the expectations of employers and employees. The benefits of proactive talent acquisition strategies today are becoming increasingly apparent and important.

Quality Applicant Pool

A well-structured recruitment plan includes finding the best methods to connect with qualified candidates. Investing time and resources into efficient methods create a more qualified and extensive pool of applicants.

Accurate Screenings

The recruitment processes focus on interviews, test tasks and other mechanisms that can precisely evaluate the traits of a candidate.

While interviews are the most common means of evaluation, work samples and portfolios are becoming increasingly important during the screening process. These samples show the performance, skill and ways of thinking and contribute to hiring the best person for the job.

Employer Brand Enhancement

A company is only as good as the people behind it. That’s why great employees want to be associated with leading brands. Therefore, recruiters are finding new and proactive ways of attracting new talent and focusing on employer branding might be the best way.

A strong employer brand enhances the chances to attain a larger pool of applicants and level the playing field for a talent competition.

Improves Scalability and Flexibility of Recruitment

A flexible recruiting strategy allows companies to think about how their needs change and have a holistic approach rather than hurrying to find an employee to fill an empty spot.

The company’s needs can change and vary, so it can depend on whether a mix of permanent and temporary workers is needed, which allows for timing an employment strategy that will lead you to the right talent. 

Faster and More Efficient Recruiting

Recruiting is a relatively fast process. Recruitment aims to save time, so shortening the hiring process will reduce the time spent searching and screening candidates.

Reduced Recruiting Costs

Because of the nature of recruiting, recruiters can save companies money and time by attracting top talent to join their teams. The advantages go beyond just that. The systems in place help recruiters track the effectiveness of their strategies, which results in happy workers, loyal employees and results-driven teams.

A company culture that aligns with employee preferences leads to high retention levels, low turnover rates, a positive working environment, and greater company efficiency.

Why Olive Recruit Should be Your Recruitment Process Outsourcing Partner?

Olive Recruit is a permanent staffing solutions partner for employers across the UK. Our goal is to find A-players that will align their goals with your company culture and ambitions, ultimately saving you valuable time while finding the best fit. 

Our effective process ensures identifying and sourcing the best candidates for the roles companies look to fill, and the fine-tuned strategies allow us to hit your hiring goals and do it at scale and quickly. 

If you need Olive Recruit to support you in finding suitable candidates for your needs and support you with the interviewing process, contact us today and see how we can help.