What’s New Job Anxiety?

A new job may cause stress and anxiety, which is entirely normal and is something that everyone experiences. However, facing your new job when stressed and overwhelmed can be challenging.

Every one of us is prone to becoming nervous and anxious, especially when facing unfamiliar environments, people or changes. Although a new job isn’t something you should be afraid of, it can make you nervous about the unknown. Starting a new job is also considered one of the most significant changes people make, so it is essential to recognise your emotions and feelings as a first step to overcoming your anxiety and becoming confident when you start a new job.

Is It Normal To Have New Job Anxiety When Starting a New Job?

You may feel nervous the first day of a new job, which is typical and expected. The anxiety may take some time to disappear, and it will likely take some time to settle in and start feeling comfortable in new surroundings.

Feeling prepared during the first week of a new job can help relieve anxiety and tension and increase confidence. Plan what you will wear and how you will get to work, and research your new workplace as a way to cope with stress and anxiety.

How Long Does New Job Anxiety Last?

One of the biggest concerns for people who start a new job is how long it will take to be comfortable in their new work environment after transitioning. When starting a new chapter in your career, it’s normal to feel anxious and stressed. However, over time, you will pass plenty of milestones and learn and understand how things work around you so that you start feeling comfortable, and you will find that dealing with a new job anxiety isn’t that difficult.

Symptoms of New Job Anxiety

Anxiety after starting a new job is something to be expected. Any feelings of nervousness and new job anticipation are some of the symptoms that can show up physically and psychologically and affect your mental health.

Some of the other anxiety symptoms include:

  • Fatigue 
  • Headaches 
  • Stomach ache 
  • Ringing ears 
  • Imposter syndrome 
  • Feeling clammy or hot 
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Intrusive thoughts 
  • Difficulty falling asleep 
  • Racing heart 

You may have experienced a few of these symptoms, but these are only sensations considered normal responses to a new and unfamiliar situation. And even though there is no fixed timeline for surpassing the anxiety of your new workplace, it will most definitely pass. 

How to Overcome New Job Anxiety

Once you overcome it, you will enjoy the new role and show your skills and abilities, proving you are a valuable asset to the organisation. Always remember how much effort you put into landing this position and focus on positive thinking that will remind you that you deserve to be in that position and increase your self-confidence.

Overcoming new job anxiety is rooted in preparation. Before heading to work, start your morning early and have some time for yourself to enjoy. Listen to your favourite song and allow the mornings to help you calm down rather than being rushed and feeling overwhelmed. Making time for yourself and preparing will also help you be more productive and engaged.

The following are some other helpful strategies for coping with job anxiety.

Identify The Source

Is the source of your new job anxiety the new people? Or the new environment? Once you know what is causing your anxiety, you can quickly address it. For example, if you feel anxious about the responsibilities of the new position, you can ask for support and help from your supervisor, who will walk you through the tasks beforehand. Also, if you are anxious about meeting new people, think of a few topics you can use to break the ice and start a conversation.

Change Your Mindset

When you feel nervous or overwhelmed by negative thoughts, address these concerns and try to get practical answers to change your mindset. Always find solutions rather than focus on the problems and challenges.

However, on your first day, you might make a few mistakes. Rather than focusing on what you could’ve done, think of a way to correct the error and devise a mechanism to stop you from doing it again. Understand that making errors is sometimes an integral part of working, and focusing on the solutions can help you be more productive and reduce work-related stress and anxiety.

Also, when you are feeling anxious, practising mindfulness techniques can help you be present in the moment and acknowledge your worries without overanalysing or pushing them away. Then, practice acceptance and letting go without engaging with the thoughts that make you anxious or nervous.

Find a Mentor in The New Workplace

Finding a mentor who can teach you the ins and outs of the workplace is beneficial when you are just starting. You may also invite them for a coffee or lunch and ask them to teach you about what they do, what they like to do for fun and how things operate in the office. Having a friend at work can relieve your anxiety levels because you will essentially see that you are not alone and that you have support.

Connect With New Colleagues

It’s normal to wonder what your colleagues think of you as a newcomer, and you may feel a little nervous about your first day among people you don’t know.

Cultivating friendships in the workplace is one of the essentials in reducing your stress and anxiety levels, which is also known to prevent loneliness on the job – a place where you spend a large portion of your time. Also, asking others for help as you get accustomed to your new job can help you form connections with colleagues and help you better understand the company culture.

It is beneficial to make some time for occasional small talk and redirect conversations that will allow you to get to know someone better. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, but share some information about yourself too!

Seek Support

Seeking support from co-workers, friends, and even family can help you feel better and find the proper resources to help. Having someone to talk to can help you relieve the stress and develop coping strategies that will lower anxiety.

Olive Recruit Guarantees Positive Candidate Experience and Smooth New Job Transition

Olive Recruit is a permanent staffing solutions partner for employers across the UK. We are focused on delivering a positive candidate experience and a smooth job transition process where employees feel valued, trusted and appreciated.

Our goal is to bring organisations A-players that align with their goals and company culture, ultimately saving time and finding the best fit for both sides. We have an effective, proven process that ensures identifying and sourcing the best candidates for your open roles and fine-tuned strategies that will hit the hiring goals.

If you need support finding suitable candidates or finding your dream job, contact us today and see how we can help.